The Future Of AI Doesn't Include You Pesky Human Meatbags
AI Dystopia Would Be Really Funny If It Weren't True, But It's Still Kinda Funny
What if the future is even more dystopian than they’re letting on?
Last week, I read an article about YCombinator taking some blowback for backing an AI startup that admits it basically cloned another AI startup.
Short version, a buncha bros released an AI code editor that was cloned from other AI code editors, and then they used ChatGPT to clone their own closed license, “overwriting” (my quotes) the Apache open source license.
Yo! I’m a founder now! I pushed a button and made some software happen!
I found this to be hilarious.
I’m a huge nerd.
Now, the snafu is more about open source software and fair use and trying to pass off open source code as their own. At least I think so. Because honestly I don’t care. I can’t stop thinking about AI building AI to steal AI from someone else’s AI.
And, to be super honest with you, as someone who helped invent this current AI flavor some 14 years ago, I always saw this as the eventual end game: AI building AI to be used by… AI. Not humans. Humans would set the course and get the results and make the decisions, sure, but I never saw a mass-adoptable use case of humans sitting down to have a pleasant chat with a bot, let alone the kind of human/AI relationship like in the movie Her.
Even so, I never would have predicted a well-known incubator getting wrist-slapped online for investing in a clone of a clone of a clone of AI, or whatever, but here we are.
So here’s a snarky, satiric, but painfully probable list of several scenarios where AI won’t just be the provider of a service, but also the user and the customer and maybe even take your vacations for you.
You’re going to laugh, but be warned… That’s exactly what they want you to do!
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